"(but it's a) tiny dose of pos'tive growth you want, year after year cos if you build too much momentum then you'll lose the will to steer and frankly anything but steady work should fill your heart with fear cos you'll be gone burn outs live on!" feign concern with consequences to build bitter fences cos you let the rot set in, in a pleasant spot next gen needs to know there's no jackpot besides the one behind your defenses another mantra on temptation piss-blind drunk counsels moderation you just never realized it could be done, not for the second time you're muddled with youth and plans and data let it sweat off to a puddle and project from its equator an unbefuddled illustrator lifetime best ideas divided, that's fine cos you've been the soundtrack to mine sow a field diligently reassurances far as the eye can see but everything's leather to me it's hibernation it's never knowing what you're for and it only makes sense while it's still snowing and anyway i only brought a single arrow (england is a spent domain its people pale and numb don't tell me that flag sparkles now it's soaked up so much ) "(but it's a) tiny dose of pos'tive growth you want, year after year cos if you build too much momentum then you'll lose the will to steer and i applaud your self expression n'i picked up on what you meant it's just you can't exactly call all that a statement of intent it's too diffuse i mean it's of no use to me"